10 Years of Tiwi College


This year will mark the 10th year since Tiwi College officially opened early in 2008. A lot has changed during this time but there has been one overwhelming vision that has remained from when the elders of the Tiwi Islands came together all those years ago. The vision has been to deliver a quality education run by Tiwi, for Tiwi on Tiwi Country.

The school began with around 40 students enrolled with fairly poor attendance by gradually each year the school has been growing in numbers and in regular student attendance. As we embark on the 10th year of the school’s history we will make another step forward in quality education for the young women’s class and another young men’s class.

The school now provides quality education in the Classroom, Family Group Home and Academy for other 199 students. There will be an open celebration for this great milestone in June this year, information will come out closer to the date to confirm the day’s of this event.