There are a range of Industrial opportunities available in both Melville and Bathurst Islands which will pave the way for ensuring growth in the future.

A range of industrial support infrastructure and services are available across the Tiwi Islands to support development.
Being an island location, access by sea and air is essential. In this regard barge landing facilities can be found at Wurrumiyanga, Milikapiti, Pirlangimpi and Wurankuwu. Areas for new barge landings have also been identified. Airports are available at Wurrumiyanga, Milikapiti, Pirlangimpi.The Tiwi Land Council’s, Tiwi Enterprises business, provides a range of services including:
• Mantiyupwi Motel and Construction Camp at Wurrumiyanga
• 2wd and 4wd vehicle hire services at Wurrumiyanga and Milikapiti
• Bus charter services
Other local business provide car hire in Pirlangimpi and accommodation services in Milikapiti. Labour hire and training services are available via the Tiwi Islands Training Employment Board.
NT Ports and Marine at Port Melville near Pirlangimpi on Melville Island provides:
• Bulk marine fuel and diesel services
• Vessel berthage up to 50,000 tonnes
• A 32 room accommodation village with office space and conference facilities
• Equipment hire, including cranes, forklifts, buses and trailers
NT Ports and Marine also have development opportunities including industrial facilities, warehouse/logistics operations, laydown yards and general storage.